Annina Kantelinen

Research environment: forest, mountain/fell

Taxonomic group of interest: algae, fungi, lichens

Field of research: biogeography, conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, phylogeny, taxonomy

Land use under investigation: forestry

Anthropogenic impact under investigation: climate change, habitat modifications

I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in the biodiversity of lichens. My research aims are to describe species, investigate the speciation processes, and to study lichen endangerment. I focus especially on crustose lichens, that are the most diverse entity of lichens but also the most poorly known. Currently, I am investigating factors that have sparked speciation in a globally wide-spread genus Micarea, and supervise a project that studies how snow-depth and climate change affect lichens in the subarctic Finland. Member of the Finnish Red List and Finnish Nomenclature committees for lichens, and vice-chairperson for the Finnish Biological Society Vanamo.

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