Christian Pansch-Hattich

Research environment: marine

Taxonomic group of interest: algae, crustaceans, fish, molluscs, vascular plants

Field of research: biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, behavioural ecology, community ecology, ecophysiology, evolutionary ecology, functional ecology and food webs, human-nature relationships, population ecology, population genetics

Land use under investigation: aquaculture, fishing, tourism, windfarms

Anthropogenic impact under investigation: climate change, habitat modifications, invasive species, pollution (including from light and noise), population changes and species decline

I am a marine eco-physiologist working at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland. I am fascinated by the sea and the interactions species have among each other. I particularly look into the underwater environment with a view for the plentiful scales at which processes occur, from small-scale and short term processes to large-scale and long-term changes.

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